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Penang, Malaysia
Organic Beauty Bank. Be Beautiful. Be Smart. Be Safe.

Oct 6, 2009

Oct New Arrival: Essence 冰泉活水面膜 Cooling Hrydrating Sheet Mask RM3.00

  • Super cooling hydrating mask it contains menthol extracts that calm, hydrate and improve skin texture, refreshing and cooling when it contacts with skin.
  • Its able to instantly refresh the tired skin promoting metabolism, energizing the skin.
  • Aloe Vera Extract has excellent nourishing properties and helps in regulating the after exposed skin.
  • The cooling effect by menthol also helps to bring down the temperature, soothing the exposed skin.
  • A cooling, hydrating mask that works to calm reddened skin, also ideal first aid for irritated, sunburned.
  • The skin benefits from these special formulas will gradually release their powerful moisturising complex, keeping the skin ideally hydrated 24 hours a day.

    夏季,皮肤的水分很容易随着汗液的蒸发而大量流失,尤其是在空调房内,皮肤更容易因干燥缺水而导致皱纹的产生。解救肌肤干渴的圣品-----冰泉活水面膜,让您的肌肤在十五分钟内瞬间晶莹剔透,水嫩无暇!沁凉因子薄荷,可以促进肌肤新陈代谢,降低肌肤温度,增加疲惫肌肤的舒适感,天然植物薄荷配方具清涼效果及消除红肿的功能,氣味清爽可以提神,清涼醒膚,讓肌膚不乾燥。芦荟精华具有很好的润泽和保湿作用,能保护、舒缓和柔软皮肤,同时也能舒缓疲惫的肌肤。 最新研發的冰泉活水面膜,具有天然的薄荷萃取,讓你在炎炎夏日中享受清涼,含高效保濕因子,能預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生,提高肌肤含水量,具改善及更生膚質的功效,達到柔皙效果,讓肌膚24小时都保湿悠滑、充满光泽,透现晶莹美态。

    Direction for use:

After thorough usual cleansing, toning and applying serum, leave the mask on face for 15 to 30 minutes. No rinsing is required. Follow with usual moisturizer. Mask use one time only.
